Janani (they/them) is a behavior analyst, researcher, writer, and editor based in the United States. Janani is a faculty member of the ABA Program at National Louis University, where they oversee student mentorship, advise on student research, and teach coursework based on the BACB 5th Edition Task List. They are an affiliate researcher with the Louisiana Contextual Science Research Group (LCSRG) and the Assent Lab, where they participate in a body of conceptual work using a contextual behavioral lens.

As a behavior analyst (BACB Cert. No. 1-15-21134), Janani’s work revolves around equity and inclusion at the intersections of gender, sexuality, romantic orientation, race, and disability. Their applied experience has been with disabled adults at an Illinois-based nonprofit agency in both day program and residential settings. They provided skill-acquisition support and staff training with a focus on active support, consent, and respecting client autonomy. With LCSRG, they collaborate on dissemination work in areas of mental health, power, privilege, intersectionality, psychological flexibility, and developing values-consistent repertoires using a framework of contextual behavioral science. With the Assent Lab, they collaborate on building conceptual frameworks and understanding of assent and assent-based practice.

You can find more details on their research publications and contact them for consultation.

Janani also provides editorial services on a freelance basis. They provide authenticity reading for a variety of lived experiences as well as copyediting, proofreading, and academic editing services. They have previously worked with individual authors, as well as with editors from HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, SourceBooks, Macmillan, and more. They have worked as an Associate Editor for a content creation and management company, where they wrote and edited digital media content on current events, politics, and commentary on social issues, for publications like Upworthy, McGill Media, Shared, and more. You can find more details on the areas in which they offer editorial services.

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