
Vaidya, J. (2023, November 8). Cultivating an assent-based practice: Perspective and considerations. Presentation at Open Educational Resources (OER) SIG, Online. Register: https://forms.gle/UBDdxD2RcBD5vdnS9

Past Speaking Engagements:

Vaidya, J. (2023, July). Cultivating an assent-based practice: Perspective and considerations. Presentation at Mindful Behavior LLC, Online.

Kaplan-Reimer, H., Cassella, M. D., Heyman, C., & Vaidya, J. (Chair) (2023, May). Putting into practice: Practical strategies for creating a compassionate context in Applied Behavior Analysis. Invited panel at the 49th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Denver, CO, USA.

Vaidya, J., Sandoz, E. K., & May, M. C. (2023, May). Field of (appetitive) dreams: Rooting cultural humility in appetitive learning. Symposium presentation at the 49th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Denver, CO, USA.

Vaidya, J. (2023, May). Implementing an assent-based practice in adult services: Perspective and considerations. Presentation at NLU Lunch & Learn, Online.

Vaidya, J. (2023, March 17). Cultivating a functionally ethical repertoire as a behavior analyst [Invited Speaker]. Illinois Association for Behavior Analysts Conference, Virtual Conference. https://behaviorlive.com/events/tbd123456789101112131415

Fabrizio, M. F. and Vaidya, J. (2023, March 3). Assent measurement and data-based decision-making [Co-Presenter and Assent Lab affiliate]. Assent Conference, Virtual Conference. https://www.assentconference.com/about-5

Ben Reiman (Host). (2022, December 16). Gender identity and expression (No. 60) [Audio podcast episode]. In The Behavior Speak podcast. CBI Consultants Ltd. https://www.behaviourspeak.com/e/episode-60-gender-identity-and-expression-with-janani-vaidya-ms-bcba/

Supporting Ontogenic and Cultural Compassion Building for the LGBTQ2IA Community. Webinar with ABA at NLU Lunch & Learn; June 2022

Panel: From Experience to Identity: Conceptualizing Gender from a CBS Lens with Lynn Farrell, Tahcita Mizael, and Eva Lieberman. Association for Contextual Behavior Science WorldCon; June 2022

Survive and Thrive: Promoting Values-Consistent Repertoires of Gender Marginalized Individuals in Academia. Association for Contextual Behavior Science WorldCon; June 2022

Post Colonial Repair and Reparation: Unraveling the Mindfulness Mess with Michael May. Association for Contextual Behavior Science WorldCon; June 2022

Beyond ‘Yes Means Yes’: A Behavioral Conceptualization of Affirmative Sexual Consent. Webinar with Black Applied Behavior Analysts; April 2022

Dismantling Binaries: A Culturally Humble Behavioral Conceptualization of Gender. SexABA Conference; January 2022

Dismantling Binaries: A Culturally Humble Behavioral Conceptualization of Gender. Association for Contextual Behavior Science WorldCon; June 2021

Bodies in Context: Contingencies Involved in the Legalization and Prohibition of Sex Work with Eva Lieberman. Association for Contextual Behavior Science WorldCon; June 2021

Changing Workplace Culture: Making the Workplace Inclusive for All (A Scientific Framework for Compassion and Social Justice: Contributor Series) with Kate Harrison, Natalie Perlio, and Stephanie Bolden. Association for Behavior Analysis International; May 2021

Panel: Supporting LGBTQIA Clients and Colleagues with Arin Donavan, Kodi Ernwein, and Camille Morgan. SexABA Conference; January 2021

Neurodiversity, DEI, and Assent. Mindful ABA: Chai and Chat; April 2021

It’s More Than Pronouns: Moving Towards a Compassionate Gender Expressive Society with Arin Donavan. H.U.M.A.N.; December 2020

Minimizing Implicit Bias in Practice: We Can Do Better for LGBT+ Folx with Cas Breaux, Amy Evans, and Jeff Bolin. Women in Behavior Analysis Conference; August 2020

Pronouns 101. Sabudana Things; June 2020

Tacting Internal Experiences: Asexual and Aromantic Identities with Worner Leland. Association for Behavior Analysis International; May 2019

The Right to Be a Slut—Or Not: Tacting Desire and Building Correlating Skillsets with Worner Leland. Association for Behavior Analysis International; May 2019

Panel: Risky Business Roundup: Ethics, Interventions, and Consultation in the Area of Sexuality. Association for Behavior Analysis International; May 2019

Boys Will Be Boys: A Behavioral Account of Rape Culture. Association for Behavior Analysis International; May 2018

Workshop: Function-Based Restorative Justice Practices for Client Harm Reduction with Worner Leland. Association for Behavior Analysis International; May 2018